"Daya Educational Trust Reg. By Govt. of Bihar Under Indian Trust Act 1882 | Registration Number- 4937"

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  • New Batch Will Start Soon.

  • New Year Offer. Visit My Office for Take admission with 50% Discount in any Computer course.

  • Daya Educational Trust is Certified by ISO 2001:2015.

Aim and Objective of Daya Educational Trust

  • To establish educational institutions , primary, secondary and undergraduate levels to provide quality education to the upcoming generation.

  • To provide equal opportunities for education to people from all strata of the society by providing concessions, scholarships and assistance to children from poor ,needy and deserving families.

  • To evolve systems of educational outreach programmes in rural and in urban areas where clusters of low income groups exist.

  • To establish vocational training centers aimed at empowering men and women of weaker sections of society to become self reliant, reducing their dependence on others.

  • To have a programme for linking children from poor families with sponsoring families /individuals/corporate to provide them food, clothes, medical care and financial assistance.

  • To undertake humanitarian social works during natural calamities such as flood, cyclone, earthquakes etc.

  • To provide shelter and care for the mentally challenged particularly those suffering fromschizophrenia and allied illnesses.

  • To organize an alliance of the families of those affected by schizophrenia which will function as a support network for families and friends of people with schizophrenia and allied disorders.

  • To create awareness regarding the scientific basis of schizophrenia and to erase the social stigma associated with the disease.

  • To establish and operate rehabilitation centersin various places in India for those treated and cured from the disease such as schizophrenia with a view to create confidence and hope in them and to provide an opportunity to them to learn, experience and practice life skills so that they can lead a dignified and productive life in the society.

  • To encourage researches on the cause and treatment of the disease schizophrenia using various forms of medical practices such as Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homoeopathy coupled with physical and mental exercises.

  • To conduct campaign ,training programmes, seminars, symposia etc. and to participate in them either in or outside India.

  • To start social engineering centers aimed at (a) establishing a social order based on equality, justice and love (b) establishing income generating and productive enterprises such as Agriculture, Apiculture, Horticulture, pisciculture, floriculture, vermiculture, poultry, dairy, small scale business enterprises etc.,

  • To establish child welfare centers including crèchefor children of working women.

  • To establish and disseminate in print, in electronic media, on internet etc. literature related to the Trust’s objectives

  • To create funds by obtaining donations either in cash or in kind( movable /immovable) collection of deposits and interest free loans from the public or from banks or other financial institutions for the furtherance of the objects of the trust.

  • To establish and run orphanages for poor and helpless children especially of those from families affected by mental illness.

  • To see that the objects of the trust are performed smoothly and regularly.